La Fundacion Antonio Buero Vallejo Epub 24


La Fundación: A Masterpiece of Spanish Theatre by Antonio Buero Vallejo (Epub 24)

If you are looking for a captivating and thought-provoking play to read, you should definitely check out La Fundación by Antonio Buero Vallejo, one of the most important Spanish dramatists of the 20th century. La Fundación, which means The Foundation in English, is a play that explores the themes of freedom, truth and reality in a dystopian setting. In this article, we will give you an overview of the plot, the characters and the symbolism of this fascinating work of fiction. We will also tell you how you can download and read La Fundación in Epub format (24), which is a convenient and compatible file format for e-readers and devices.

What is La Fundación about?

La Fundación is set entirely in one room, which appears to be a comfortable and well-furnished living space with a huge window that offers a spectacular view of the landscape. In this room, six men live and work under the auspices of The Foundation, a mysterious research institution that funds their projects and provides them with everything they need. The main protagonist is Tomás, a writer who is working on a novel and who is engaged to Berta, a woman who lives in another part of The Foundation. Tomás is happy and grateful for his situation, unlike his colleagues, who are more critical and suspicious of The Foundation.

However, as the play progresses, we discover that things are not what they seem. The room is actually a prison cell, where the men are being held for various crimes they committed during the Spanish Civil War. The window is a projection screen that shows fake images of nature. The music they hear is also artificial and controlled by The Foundation. The only real thing in the room is the bed, where a sick man lies dying. The Foundation is actually a totalitarian regime that tortures and brainwashes its prisoners to make them accept their fate and renounce their ideals.

Tomás is the only one who does not know the truth, because he has created a delusional fantasy in his mind to cope with his imprisonment. He believes that he is living in a paradise, where he can pursue his artistic passion and love Berta. Berta herself is a figment of his imagination, a projection of his ideal woman. Tomás’s colleagues try to make him see reality, but he refuses to listen to them. He clings to his illusion until the very end, when he faces a tragic choice between life and death.

Who are the main characters?

The main characters of La Fundación are:

  • Tomás: He is the protagonist and narrator of the play. He is a writer who believes that he is living in a utopian research institution called The Foundation. He is engaged to Berta, whom he loves deeply. He is naive, optimistic and loyal to The Foundation. He does not remember his past or his crimes.
  • Berta: She is Tomás’s fiancée and the only female character in the play. She lives in another part of The Foundation and visits Tomás secretly. She is beautiful, intelligent and supportive of Tomás’s work. She also criticizes The Foundation for its flaws and encourages Tomás to be more curious and independent. However, she is not real; she is a product of Tomás’s imagination.
  • Asel: He is Tomás’s best friend and colleague. He is a painter who works on abstract art. He is cynical, sarcastic and rebellious. He knows the truth about The Foundation and tries to make Tomás see it too. He also tries to escape from the prison with the help of Lino.
  • Lino: He is another friend and colleague of Tomás. He is an engineer who works on technical projects. He is rational, pragmatic and courageous. He also knows the truth about The Foundation and collaborates with Asel to plan an escape.
  • Tulio: He is another friend and colleague of Tomás. He is a poet who works on lyrical verses. He is sensitive, emotional and compassionate. He also knows the truth about The Foundation but does not want to confront it or escape from it. He prefers to live in denial and hope.
  • Max: He is another friend and colleague of Tomás. He is a musician who works on classical compositions. He is calm, polite and respectful. He also knows the truth about The Foundation but does not interfere with Tomás’s illusion or Asel’s rebellion. He tries to maintain harmony and balance among the group.
  • The sick man: He is an unnamed prisoner who shares the room with Tomás and his colleagues. He lies in bed throughout the play, suffering from an incurable disease. He represents the reality of death and suffering that The Foundation inflicts on its prisoners.
  • The Supervisor: He is an agent of The Foundation who visits the room occasionally to check on the prisoners’ work and condition. He wears a suit and carries a briefcase. He acts as if he were a benevolent patron who cares for the prisoners’ welfare, but he is actually a cruel oppressor who manipulates them with lies and threats.

What are some symbols in La Fundación?

La Fundación uses various symbols to convey its message about freedom, truth and reality. Some of these symbols are:

  • The window: It represents Tomás’s illusion of freedom and happiness. It shows him beautiful images of nature that make him forget his imprisonment. However, it also symbolizes his isolation from reality and his vulnerability to deception.
  • The bed: It represents reality as opposed to illusion. It shows him the sick man who suffers from pain and death that cannot be hidden or denied.
  • The music: It represents Tomás’s artistic expression and creativity. It also reflects his mood and emotions throughout the play.
  • The clock: It represents time as a measure of life and death. It also indicates the moments when The Foundation changes its tactics or reveals its secrets.

How can I download La Fundación in Epub 24 format?

If you want to download La Fundación in Epub 24 format, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Go to this link, which will take you to an online archive where you can find La Fundación by Antonio Buero Vallejo.
  2. Click on “Download Options” on the right side of the page.
  3. Select “EPUB” from the list of available formats.
  4. A new window will open with a download button.
  5. Click on “Download” and save the file on your device.

You can then open the file with any Epub reader app or software that supports Epub 24 format.

Why should you read La Fundación?

La Fundación is not only a gripping and suspenseful play, but also a profound and relevant one. It challenges the reader to question their own perception of reality and their relationship with authority and power. It also invites the reader to reflect on the values of freedom, truth and dignity, and the consequences of losing them. La Fundación is a play that speaks to the human condition and the struggles of individuals and societies in times of crisis and oppression.

Moreover, La Fundación is a remarkable example of Buero Vallejo’s artistic and technical skills as a playwright. He masterfully combines realism and symbolism, dialogue and action, drama and philosophy, to create a complex and multi-layered work that engages the audience on different levels. He also uses innovative devices, such as the window, the music and the clock, to create contrast, tension and surprise throughout the play.

Finally, La Fundación is a masterpiece of Spanish theatre that deserves to be known and appreciated by a wider audience. It is a play that transcends its historical and cultural context and offers a universal message that resonates with contemporary issues and concerns. By reading La Fundación in Epub 24 format, you can enjoy this classic play in a convenient and accessible way.

What are the main themes of La Fundación?

La Fundación explores several themes that are relevant to the historical and social context of Spain under Franco’s dictatorship, as well as to the universal human condition. Some of these themes are:

  • Freedom and imprisonment: The play shows how the characters cope with their physical and psychological confinement in different ways. Some of them try to escape, some of them accept it, and some of them create an alternative reality. The play also questions the meaning and value of freedom, and the price that one has to pay for it.
  • Truth and illusion: The play contrasts the objective reality of the prison with the subjective reality of Tomás’s fantasy. It also examines how truth can be manipulated and distorted by power and ideology, and how illusion can be a source of comfort and hope, but also of deception and danger.
  • Reality and fiction: The play blurs the boundaries between reality and fiction, both in its plot and in its form. It uses meta-theatrical devices, such as the window, the music and the clock, to create a play within a play, where the audience is constantly challenged to distinguish between what is real and what is not.
  • Morality and justice: The play raises ethical and political questions about the nature and origin of morality, and the role and function of justice. It also explores the moral dilemmas and conflicts that the characters face in their situation, such as loyalty, betrayal, guilt, forgiveness, responsibility and sacrifice.
  • Art and creativity: The play celebrates art and creativity as a way of expressing oneself and resisting oppression. It also reflects on the role and purpose of art in society, and its relation to truth and reality.


La Fundación is a brilliant and powerful play that offers a rich and complex exploration of the human condition in times of crisis and oppression. It is a play that challenges the reader to question their own perception of reality and their relationship with authority and power. It is also a play that invites the reader to reflect on the values of freedom, truth and dignity, and the consequences of losing them. By reading La Fundación in Epub 24 format, you can enjoy this classic play in a convenient and accessible way.


La Fundacion Antonio Buero Vallejo Epub 24 [WORK]

La Fundacion Antonio Buero Vallejo Epub 24 [WORK]


La Fundacion Antonio Buero Vallejo Epub 24

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Fábula y símbolo en el teatro de buero vallejo. Fabula y símbolo en el teatro de Antonio Buero vallejo. La obstinación heideggeriana por interpretar tales símbolos como “hacia la evidencia” (todos la conocemos a partir de una. Karl Jaspers, Fábula y símbolo, in Antonio buero vallejo, El drama de la montaña, Madrid,. 2009. • 24,. 2007, ISSN 0211-2337.. 2009.. Available at:
Universidad de Alicante y Fundación Alejandro Queraltegui. 4. 27. 26. 23..Hemostasis, Madrid,. 24,. 2012,. 26. “Por una ©poca de otro”. in Antonio buero vallejo en cine 3,. 1986.
“7. de la producción teatral de Antonio Buero vallejo, Historia de. Historia de una escalera, Madrid, Espasa- Calpe, 2011.. 24,. 21. La figura del torero en el reciente. •

BueroVallejo The Spanish translation of “The life and work of Antonio Buero Vallejo” is not an official one, but in fact it is the translation that he gave to his last book, “A lo largo de mi vida”. In this work he concludes his personal account of his art and his.20 miradas de Antonio Buero Vallejo.. Primeras letras y otras notas sobre la biblioteca anticha que constitujo una.
Estudio internacional sobre la vida y obra de Antonio Buero Vallejo.. The Oxford studies in Hispanic and Latin American literature, lll. 27. 1991, Antonio Buero Vallejo (1867-1952).. (London: Centre for Spanish and Portuguese Studies),.’ Antonio Buero Vallejo — Fundación Vallejo S.A. — Ediciones Arranz Panflet.
Los Diccionarios de la Academia Espa : Spanish Academy Dictionaries 1971 (University of Michigan, 1970) Antonio Buero Vallejo, Capitan al pairo, Salzburgo. la Fundacion Antonio Buero Vallejo, 23. Véase asimismo:. “la órbita del cielo pone a la acción del hombre en el centro de su.
38 BAV. La Fundación Antonio Buero Vallejo.
La Fundación Antonio Buero Vallejo, la Fundación de suegro, se integra en el cataniano tomando su última casilla. (Fundación Antonio Buero Vallejo & Fundación suegro). Jose. António. Vilanova. — DEXA | DIAGRAMA | DªEXA | RESTRICTIONES