Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14 ^HOT^


Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14: A Collection of Gujarati Stories with Moral Lessons

If you are looking for a way to enrich your mind and soul with the wisdom and culture of Gujarat, you should read Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14. This is a book that contains 32 stories of 32 puppets, each with a different personality and message. These stories are written by Bina Mehta, a renowned Gujarati author and storyteller.

Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14 is a book that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, as it has stories that are simple, engaging, and meaningful. The stories are based on the folk tales and legends of Gujarat, and they reflect the values and traditions of the Gujarati people. The stories also teach moral lessons that can help you in your personal and professional life.

Some of the stories in Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14 are:

  • The story of the puppet who learned to be humble and grateful.
  • The story of the puppet who learned to be honest and loyal.
  • The story of the puppet who learned to be brave and courageous.
  • The story of the puppet who learned to be compassionate and generous.
  • The story of the puppet who learned to be wise and prudent.

And many more!

Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14 is a book that you can download for free from the Internet Archive website. You can also buy a printed copy from, a website that sells Gujarati books online. You can also find other books by Bina Mehta on this website, such as Be Rochak Kathao, a collection of interesting stories for children.

In this article, we will explore some of the stories in Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14 and see what we can learn from them. We will also see how these stories are relevant to our modern times and how they can inspire us to live better lives.

The story of the puppet who learned to be humble and grateful

This story is about a puppet who was very proud and arrogant. He thought he was better than everyone else and he looked down on others. He always boasted about his skills and achievements and he never thanked anyone for their help. He also ignored his parents and teachers and did not listen to their advice.

One day, he decided to go on a journey to see the world. He packed his bags and left his home without saying goodbye to anyone. He met many people on his way, but he treated them rudely and disrespectfully. He also faced many difficulties and dangers, but he refused to ask for help or admit his mistakes. He thought he could handle everything by himself.

However, his pride soon led him to his downfall. He encountered a group of robbers who attacked him and stole his belongings. He tried to fight back, but he was outnumbered and overpowered. He was left wounded and helpless on the road. He realized that he had no friends or allies to help him or rescue him. He felt lonely and miserable.

He then remembered his parents and teachers who had always loved him and cared for him. He regretted his behavior and wished he had been more humble and grateful. He realized that he had wasted his life by being arrogant and selfish. He cried out for forgiveness and mercy.

Fortunately, a kind traveler heard his cries and came to his aid. He bandaged his wounds and gave him some food and water. He also offered to take him back to his home. The puppet was touched by his kindness and generosity. He thanked him sincerely and apologized for his arrogance. He also vowed to change his ways and become a better person.

The traveler smiled and said that he was glad to help him. He said that everyone makes mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from them and improve oneself. He also said that humility and gratitude are the keys to happiness and success. He advised the puppet to always respect others and appreciate their help.

The puppet nodded and agreed with him. He felt a new sense of peace and joy in his heart. He realized that he had learned a valuable lesson from his experience. He decided to follow the traveler’s advice and live a humble and grateful life.

The story of the puppet who learned to be honest and loyal

This story is about a puppet who was very dishonest and disloyal. He always lied and cheated to get what he wanted. He did not care about the feelings or rights of others. He also betrayed his friends and family for his own benefit. He was greedy and selfish.

One day, he met a rich merchant who was looking for a servant. The puppet pretended to be a loyal and hardworking person and convinced the merchant to hire him. He thought he could take advantage of the merchant and steal his money and goods. He planned to run away with his loot as soon as possible.

However, his dishonesty soon caught up with him. He was caught red-handed by the merchant’s guard while he was trying to sneak out with some valuables. He tried to lie and make excuses, but he was exposed and arrested. He was taken to the court and sentenced to prison. He realized that he had lost everything by being dishonest and disloyal. He felt ashamed and guilty.

He then remembered his friends and family who had always trusted him and supported him. He regretted his behavior and wished he had been more honest and loyal. He realized that he had ruined his reputation and relationships by being greedy and selfish. He cried out for forgiveness and mercy.

Fortunately, one of his old friends heard about his situation and came to visit him in prison. He was surprised and hurt by his betrayal, but he still felt sorry for him. He decided to give him a second chance and help him out. He paid his fine and got him released from prison. He also offered to help him find a new job and start a new life.

The puppet was touched by his kindness and generosity. He thanked him sincerely and apologized for his dishonesty. He also vowed to change his ways and become a better person.

The friend smiled and said that he was glad to help him. He said that everyone makes mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from them and improve oneself. He also said that honesty and loyalty are the keys to happiness and success. He advised the puppet to always tell the truth and keep his promises.

The puppet nodded and agreed with him. He felt a new sense of hope and joy in his heart. He realized that he had learned a valuable lesson from his experience. He decided to follow the friend’s advice and live an honest and loyal life.

The story of the puppet who learned to be brave and courageous

This story is about a puppet who was very timid and cowardly. He always feared and avoided challenges and risks. He did not dare to try new things or face his problems. He also depended on others for protection and guidance. He was weak and insecure.

One day, he met a brave warrior who was looking for a companion. The puppet pretended to be a brave and adventurous person and convinced the warrior to take him along. He thought he could enjoy the benefits of being with the warrior without doing any work or taking any responsibility. He planned to hide behind the warrior whenever there was danger or trouble.

However, his cowardice soon exposed him. He was faced with many enemies and obstacles on his journey with the warrior. He tried to run away or hide, but he was caught and confronted. He could not defend himself or help the warrior. He was a burden and a liability.

He realized that he had made a big mistake by joining the warrior. He wished he had stayed at home where he felt safe and comfortable. He realized that he had missed many opportunities and experiences by being timid and cowardly. He felt sorry and regretful.

He then remembered his parents and teachers who had always encouraged him and supported him. He regretted his behavior and wished he had been more brave and courageous. He realized that he had wasted his potential and talents by being weak and insecure. He cried out for forgiveness and mercy.

Fortunately, the warrior heard his cries and came to his rescue. He was disappointed and angry by his cowardice, but he still felt pity for him. He decided to give him a second chance and teach him how to be brave and courageous. He also offered to help him overcome his fears and challenges.

The puppet was touched by his kindness and generosity. He thanked him sincerely and apologized for his cowardice. He also vowed to change his ways and become a better person.

The warrior smiled and said that he was glad to help him. He said that everyone has fears, but the important thing is to face them and overcome them. He also said that bravery and courage are the keys to happiness and success. He advised the puppet to always be confident and positive.

The puppet nodded and agreed with him. He felt a new sense of strength and courage in his heart. He realized that he had learned a valuable lesson from his experience. He decided to follow the warrior’s advice and live a brave and courageous life.

The story of the puppet who learned to be compassionate and generous

This story is about a puppet who was very cruel and stingy. He always harmed and exploited others for his own gain. He did not care about the suffering or needs of others. He also hoarded his wealth and possessions and did not share them with anyone. He was mean and selfish.

One day, he met a poor beggar who was looking for some food and shelter. The puppet pretended to be a compassionate and generous person and convinced the beggar to follow him. He thought he could use the beggar as a slave and make him do all his work. He planned to give him nothing in return.

However, his cruelty soon backfired on him. He was faced with a terrible famine and drought that affected his land and crops. He tried to save himself and his wealth, but he was helpless and hopeless. He could not find any food or water to survive. He was starving and thirsty.

He realized that he had made a big mistake by being cruel and stingy. He wished he had helped others and shared his wealth with them. He realized that he had caused much pain and misery by being mean and selfish. He felt sorry and regretful.

He then remembered his parents and teachers who had always taught him and showed him how to be compassionate and generous. He regretted his behavior and wished he had been more compassionate and generous. He realized that he had wasted his life by being cruel and stingy. He cried out for forgiveness and mercy.

Fortunately, the beggar heard his cries and came to his aid. He was shocked and hurt by his cruelty, but he still felt pity for him. He decided to give him a second chance and help him out. He gave him some food and water that he had saved for himself. He also offered to help him find a new home and start a new life.

The puppet was touched by his kindness and generosity. He thanked him sincerely and apologized for his cruelty. He also vowed to change his ways and become a better person.

The beggar smiled and said that he was glad to help him. He said that everyone has problems, but the important thing is to help each other and overcome them. He also said that compassion and generosity are the keys to happiness and success. He advised the puppet to always be kind and helpful.

The puppet nodded and agreed with him. He felt a new sense of love and gratitude in his heart. He realized that he had learned a valuable lesson from his experience. He decided to follow the beggar’s advice and live a compassionate and generous life.


Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14 is a book that can enrich your mind and soul with the wisdom and culture of Gujarat. It contains 32 stories of 32 puppets, each with a different personality and message. These stories are based on the folk tales and legends of Gujarat, and they reflect the values and traditions of the Gujarati people. The stories also teach moral lessons that can help you in your personal and professional life.

Some of the moral lessons that you can learn from these stories are:

  • Be humble and grateful for what you have and who you are.
  • Be honest and loyal to yourself and others.
  • Be brave and courageous to face your fears and challenges.
  • Be compassionate and generous to help others in need.
  • Be wise and prudent to make good decisions and avoid mistakes.

And many more!

Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14 is a book that you can download for free from the Internet Archive website. You can also buy a printed copy from, a website that sells Gujarati books online. You can also find other books by Bina Mehta on this website, such as Be Rochak Kathao, a collection of interesting stories for children.

If you are looking for a way to improve your knowledge and skills, or to entertain yourself and your family, you should read Batris Putli Ni Varta Pdf 14. It is a book that will make you laugh, cry, think, and learn. It is a book that will inspire you to live a better life.
