Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre Dvdrip Download __FULL__

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Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre Dvdrip Download: A Classic French Comedy You Need to Watch

If you are a fan of French comedy, you might have heard of Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre, a 1974 film that follows the hilarious adventures of five friends who join the army and end up in various mishaps. But did you know that you can download this movie for free and enjoy it anytime you want?

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre, also known as The Five Crazy Boys Go to War, is a movie that will make you laugh out loud with its slapstick humor, witty dialogue, and absurd situations. It is directed by Claude Zidi and stars Les Charlots, a popular French musical comedy group composed of Gérard Rinaldi, Jean Sarrus, Gérard Filipelli, Jean-Guy Fechner, and Luis Rego.

The movie tells the story of how the five friends decide to enlist in the army after they lose their jobs at a car wash. They hope to have an easy and fun time in the military, but they soon realize that they have made a big mistake. They have to deal with a strict sergeant, a crazy colonel, a beautiful spy, and a dangerous mission in Africa. Along the way, they cause chaos and trouble wherever they go.

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre is a movie that will entertain you with its comedy, action, romance, and music. It is one of the most successful films of Les Charlots, who have made several other movies in the same genre. It is also one of the most popular French comedies of all time, having sold over 7 million tickets in France alone.

If you want to watch Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality, you have several options to choose from. You can either download the movie from various websites or stream it online on different platforms. However, you should be careful about the legality and quality of these sources, as some of them might be illegal or unsafe.

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre Dvdrip Download: The Download and Streaming Options

If you want to download Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality for free, you have several options to choose from. You can either download the movie from various websites or stream it online on different platforms. However, you should be careful about the legality and quality of these sources, as some of them might be illegal or unsafe.

One of the websites that offers Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality for free download is Archive.org. This website is a digital library that hosts millions of free books, movies, music, and more. You can find Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality under the video section of the website. You can either watch it online or download it in MP4 format. However, this website might not have the best quality or subtitles for the movie, so you should be prepared for that.

Another website that offers Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality for free download is Peatix. This website is an online platform that allows users to create and join events and groups. You can find Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality under the group section of the website. You can either watch it online or download it in MP4 format. However, this website might not have the official permission to distribute the movie, so you should use it at your own risk.

If you prefer to stream Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality online for free, you can try Sway. This website is an online tool that allows users to create and share interactive presentations and stories. You can find Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality under the presentation section of the website. You can either watch it online or download it in MP4 format. However, this website might have low quality or ads for the movie, so you should be aware of that.

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre Dvdrip Download: The Reviews and Reception

If you want to know what other people think of Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre, you can read some of the reviews and ratings of the movie online. The reviews and ratings are opinions and feedback from critics and fans who have watched the movie and shared their thoughts on it. They can help you decide whether the movie is worth watching or not.

One of the websites that offers Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre reviews and ratings is IMDb. This website is an online database that provides information about movies, TV shows, actors, and more. You can find Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre reviews and ratings under the user reviews section of the website. You can either read them online or write your own review. The movie has a 5.5/10 rating on IMDb based on 696 votes. Some of the user reviews are:

“This is a very funny movie with a lot of gags and jokes. The actors are great and they have a good chemistry. The story is simple but entertaining. The movie is a classic of French comedy and I recommend it to anyone who likes this genre.” – jules-roussel from France
“This is one of my favorite movies of all time. It is hilarious and crazy. The characters are lovable and funny. The situations are absurd and ridiculous. The movie is a masterpiece of humor and fun. I love it and I watch it every time I need a good laugh.” – marie-louise-dupont from Belgium
“This is a terrible movie with no sense or logic. The actors are annoying and stupid. The story is boring and stupid. The movie is a waste of time and money. I hate it and I regret watching it.” – jean-pierre-durand from Canada

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre Dvdrip Download: The Trailer and Preview

If you want to get a glimpse of what Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre is all about, you can watch the trailer and preview of the movie online. The trailer and preview are short clips that show some of the scenes and highlights of the movie, such as the characters, the setting, the plot, and the comedy.

One of the websites that offers Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre trailer and preview is IMDb. This website is an online database that provides information about movies, TV shows, actors, and more. You can find Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre trailer and preview under the video section of the website. You can either watch them online or download them in MP4 format. However, this website might have low quality or ads for the videos, so you should be aware of that.

Another website that offers Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre trailer and preview is Archive.org. This website is a digital library that hosts millions of free books, movies, music, and more. You can find Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre trailer and preview under the video section of the website. You can either watch them online or download them in MP4 format. However, this website might not have the best quality or subtitles for the videos, so you should be prepared for that.

A third website that offers Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre trailer and preview is SoundCloud. This website is an online platform that allows users to create and share audio content. You can find Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre trailer and preview under the audiobook section of the website. You can either listen to them online or download them in MP3 format. However, this website might not have the official permission to distribute the videos, so you should use it at your own risk.

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre Dvdrip Download: The Plot and Synopsis

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre is a movie that tells the story of how five friends decide to join the army after they lose their jobs at a car wash. They hope to have an easy and fun time in the military, but they soon realize that they have made a big mistake. They have to deal with a strict sergeant, a crazy colonel, a beautiful spy, and a dangerous mission in Africa. Along the way, they cause chaos and trouble wherever they go.

The movie begins with the five friends working at a car wash, where they spend more time fooling around than doing their job. They are fired by their boss, who tells them to go to the army instead. They agree, thinking that it will be a good opportunity to have some fun and adventure. They enlist in the army and meet their sergeant, who is not amused by their antics. He tries to train them and discipline them, but they always find a way to mess things up.

The five friends are then assigned to a colonel, who is obsessed with war games and simulations. He tells them that they have to participate in a special mission in Africa, where they have to infiltrate an enemy base and destroy a missile. He gives them fake weapons and uniforms, and sends them on a plane. However, he does not tell them that the mission is actually real, and that they are going to face real danger and enemies.

The five friends land in Africa, where they encounter various obstacles and challenges. They meet a spy who pretends to be their ally, but who is actually working for the enemy. They also meet a tribe of natives who help them escape from the enemy soldiers. They manage to reach the enemy base, where they discover the truth about their mission. They decide to complete it anyway, using their wit and courage. They succeed in destroying the missile, but they also cause a huge explosion that alerts the colonel.

The colonel realizes that he has made a mistake and that he has put the lives of the five friends in danger. He decides to rescue them and bring them back to France. He also decides to reward them for their bravery and loyalty. He gives them medals and promotions, and tells them that they can stay in the army if they want. The five friends are happy and proud of themselves, but they also realize that they prefer their old life. They decide to leave the army and go back to their car wash job.

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre Dvdrip Download: The Final Verdict

Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre is a movie that will appeal to fans of French comedy who enjoy slapstick humor, witty dialogue, and absurd situations. It is a movie that follows the hilarious adventures of five friends who join the army and end up in various mishaps. It is directed by Claude Zidi and stars Les Charlots, a popular French musical comedy group. It is also one of the most successful and popular French comedies of all time.

If you want to watch Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre in Dvdrip quality, you have several options to choose from. You can either download the movie from various websites or stream it online on different platforms. However, you should be careful about the legality and quality of these sources, as some of them might be illegal or unsafe.

Therefore, Les Bidasse Sen Vont En Guerre is a movie that you should watch at your own risk. It is a movie that will make you laugh out loud with its comedy, action, romance, and music. It is a movie that will entertain you and surprise you. It is a movie that you won’t regret watching. It is one of the best French comedies of the 1970s, and a worthy sequel to Les Bidasses en folie.

