Fabulous Pizzy Marry Me For 13 ➟

# Fabulous Pizzy’s Romantic Story: Why He Asked His Love to Marry Him for 13

Fabulous Pizzy is a Nigerian singer and songwriter who is known for his catchy and upbeat songs that blend Afro-pop, hip-hop and R&B. He has released several hit singles such as “So Fun Won”, “Side Talk” and “Shayo”. But one of his most popular and personal songs is “Marry Me for 13”, which he used to propose to his girlfriend in a unique and creative way.

## What is Marry Me for 13?

“Marry Me for 13” is a song that Fabulous Pizzy wrote and recorded when he was 13 years old. He was inspired by his crush at the time, who he wanted to marry someday. The song expresses his love and devotion for her and his willingness to do anything for her. He sings:

> I will love you till the end of time
> I will be your Romeo, you be my Juliet
> I will do anything for you, just say the word
> I will marry you for 13, baby girl

The song was never released to the public, but Fabulous Pizzy kept it as a precious memory of his teenage love.

## How Did He Use the Song to Propose?

Many years later, Fabulous Pizzy met and fell in love with another girl, who became his girlfriend. He wanted to propose to her in a special and memorable way, so he decided to use his old song “Marry Me for 13” as a surprise.

He arranged a romantic dinner date with her at a fancy restaurant. He also invited some of his friends and family members to join them secretly. He asked the restaurant staff to play his song on the speakers when he was ready to pop the question.

He then got down on one knee and presented her with a beautiful ring. He told her that he wrote the song when he was 13 years old for his crush, but he never got the chance to sing it to her. He said that he realized that she was the one he had been waiting for all his life, and that he wanted to marry her for 13.

He then played the song for her and sang along with it. His friends and family members also joined in and cheered for them. His girlfriend was moved to tears by his gesture and said yes to his proposal.

## What Was the Reaction of the Public?

Fabulous Pizzy shared his proposal story and his song on his social media platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter and SoundCloud . He also created a Microsoft Sway presentation that showed pictures and videos of his proposal. He captioned it with:

> This is the story of how I proposed to my girlfriend with a song I wrote when I was 13 years old. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. #MarryMeFor13

The public loved his proposal story and his song. They praised him for being romantic, creative and original. They also congratulated him and his fiancée on their engagement. They commented things like:

– This is so sweet and beautiful. Congratulations to you both.
– Wow, this is amazing. You are such a talented and thoughtful guy. She is lucky to have you.
– This is the best proposal ever. I love your song. It’s so catchy and heartfelt.
– This is goals. You guys are adorable. I wish you all the best.

Fabulous Pizzy thanked everyone for their support and appreciation. He said that he was happy that he could share his love story and his song with the world. He said that he was looking forward to marrying his fiancée and spending the rest of his life with her.

## How Did He Write the Song?

Fabulous Pizzy revealed that he wrote the song “Marry Me for 13” when he was 13 years old in his bedroom. He said that he had a crush on a girl in his school, who he thought was the most beautiful girl in the world. He said that he wanted to impress her and make her fall in love with him, so he decided to write a song for her.

He said that he used his phone to record the song, using a simple beat and melody. He said that he wrote the lyrics from his heart, expressing his feelings and emotions for her. He said that he spent hours perfecting the song, hoping that she would like it.

He said that he planned to sing the song to her on Valentine’s Day, but he never got the courage to do so. He said that he was too shy and nervous to approach her and confess his love. He said that he kept the song as a secret and never showed it to anyone.

He said that he still remembered the song and the girl, even though they never became a couple. He said that he was grateful for the experience, as it inspired him to pursue his passion for music and become a singer.

## How Did He Meet His Fiancée?

Fabulous Pizzy also shared how he met his fiancée and how they fell in love. He said that he met her at a friend’s birthday party, where they were introduced by a mutual friend. He said that he was instantly attracted to her, as she was smart, funny and beautiful. He said that they exchanged phone numbers and started texting and calling each other.

He said that they soon realized that they had a lot in common, such as their taste in music, movies and books. He said that they also shared their dreams and aspirations, and supported each other in their endeavors. He said that they became best friends and soulmates.

He said that they started dating after a few months of knowing each other, and their relationship grew stronger and deeper. He said that they had their ups and downs, but they always worked things out and stayed together. He said that they were happy and comfortable with each other, and enjoyed every moment of their relationship.

He said that he knew that she was the one for him, and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He said that he decided to propose to her with his old song “Marry Me for 13”, as it was a symbol of his love and commitment for her. He said that he was glad that she accepted his proposal and agreed to marry him.

## What Are His Future Plans?

Fabulous Pizzy also revealed his future plans for his music and his marriage. He said that he was working on his debut album, which he hoped to release soon. He said that his album would feature some of his hit singles, as well as some new songs that he had written and recorded. He said that his album would showcase his versatility and creativity as a singer and songwriter.

He said that he was also planning to have a grand wedding with his fiancée, which he wanted to make memorable and special. He said that he had not decided on the date or the venue yet, but he had some ideas in mind. He said that he wanted to have a traditional Nigerian wedding, as well as a modern and stylish wedding. He said that he wanted to invite all his friends and family members, as well as some of his fans and colleagues.

He said that he was looking forward to starting a new chapter in his life with his fiancée, and that he was excited and nervous at the same time. He said that he hoped to have a happy and successful marriage, and that he would always love and cherish her. He said that he also hoped to have a happy and successful career, and that he would always strive to make good music and entertain his fans.

## Conclusion

Fabulous Pizzy is a talented and romantic singer who proposed to his girlfriend with a song he wrote when he was 13 years old. He shared his proposal story and his song on his social media platforms, where he received a lot of love and support from the public. He also shared how he wrote the song, how he met his fiancée, and what are his future plans.

If you want to listen to his song “Marry Me for 13”, you can find it on SoundCloud or Microsoft Sway. You can also follow him on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to stay updated on his music and his marriage. We wish him all the best in his personal and professional life. #MarryMeFor13

## How to Support Fabulous Pizzy and His Music

If you are a fan of Fabulous Pizzy and his music, you might want to support him and his music in various ways. Here are some of the ways you can do so:

– Stream and download his songs on various platforms, such as SoundCloud, Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and more. You can also buy his songs or albums on iTunes, Amazon or other online stores.
– Follow him on his social media accounts, such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You can also like, comment and share his posts and interact with him and other fans.
– Subscribe to his newsletter or email list to get updates on his music and his marriage. You can also send him messages or feedback on his music or his proposal story.
– Attend his live shows or concerts if he performs in your area or country. You can also buy tickets or merchandise from his official website or other sources.
– Support his causes or charities if he is involved in any. You can also donate money or resources to help him or his community.

## How to Learn from Fabulous Pizzy and His Proposal Story

If you are inspired by Fabulous Pizzy and his proposal story, you might want to learn from him and his proposal story in various ways. Here are some of the ways you can do so:

– Listen to his song “Marry Me for 13” and pay attention to the lyrics and the melody. You can also watch his Microsoft Sway presentation and see how he used pictures and videos to tell his story.
– Think about your own crush or partner and how you feel about them. You can also write a song or a poem for them, expressing your love and devotion for them.
– Think about a creative and unique way to propose to your crush or partner, using your talents or skills. You can also use something that is meaningful or sentimental to both of you, such as a song, a movie, a place or a memory.
– Plan a romantic date or event with your crush or partner, where you can surprise them with your proposal. You can also invite your friends and family members to join you and witness your proposal.
– Share your proposal story and your song with your friends and family members, as well as on your social media platforms. You can also create a presentation or a video that shows your proposal story.

## How to Appreciate Fabulous Pizzy and His Music

If you appreciate Fabulous Pizzy and his music, you might want to appreciate him and his music in various ways. Here are some of the ways you can do so:

– Listen to his songs and enjoy the music and the message. You can also sing along or dance to his songs and have fun.
– Learn more about him and his music by reading his biography, interviews or articles. You can also watch his videos or documentaries and see his journey and his personality.
– Write a review or a comment on his songs or albums and share your opinion and feedback. You can also rate or rank his songs or albums and show your preference and taste.
– Recommend his songs or albums to your friends or family members and introduce them to his music. You can also create playlists or mixtapes with his songs and share them with others.
– Thank him or congratulate him for his music and his marriage by sending him cards, letters or gifts. You can also tag him or mention him on your social media posts and show your appreciation and support.

## How to Relate to Fabulous Pizzy and His Proposal Story

If you relate to Fabulous Pizzy and his proposal story, you might want to relate to him and his proposal story in various ways. Here are some of the ways you can do so:

– Listen to his song “Marry Me for 13” and remember your own love story or proposal story. You can also compare or contrast your story with his story and see the similarities or differences.
– Think about your own crush or partner and how they make you feel. You can also tell them how much you love them and appreciate them.
– Think about a creative and unique way to celebrate your love or anniversary with your crush or partner, using your talents or skills. You can also use something that is meaningful or sentimental to both of you, such as a song, a movie, a place or a memory.
– Plan a romantic date or event with your crush or partner, where you can surprise them with your celebration. You can also invite your friends and family members to join you and witness your celebration.
– Share your love story or celebration story with your friends and family members, as well as on your social media platforms. You can also create a presentation or a video that shows your love story or celebration story.

# Conclusion

Fabulous Pizzy is a talented and romantic singer who proposed to his girlfriend with a song he wrote when he was 13 years old. He shared his proposal story and his song on his social media platforms, where he received a lot of love and support from the public. He also shared how he wrote the song, how he met his fiancée, and what are his future plans.

If you want to listen to his song “Marry Me for 13”, you can find it on SoundCloud or Microsoft Sway. You can also follow him on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to stay updated on his music and his marriage. You can also support him and his music in various ways, such as streaming and downloading his songs, attending his live shows or concerts, or supporting his causes or charities. You can also learn from him and his proposal story in various ways, such as writing a song or a poem for your crush or partner, proposing to them in a creative and unique way, or sharing your love story with the world. You can also appreciate him and his music in various ways, such as enjoying his songs and music videos, learning more about him and his music, writing reviews or comments on his songs or albums, recommending his songs or albums to others, or thanking him or congratulating him for his music and his marriage. You can also relate to him and his proposal story in various ways, such as remembering your own love story or proposal story, telling your crush or partner how much you love them and appreciate them, celebrating your love or anniversary with them in a creative and unique way, or sharing your love story or celebration story with others.

We hope this article helped you find and listen to Fabulous Pizzy’s song “Marry Me for 13” and learn more about him and his proposal story. We wish him all the best in his personal and professional life. #MarryMeFor13

