Ashtakavarga System Of Prediction By B V Raman Pdf

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Ashtakavarga System of Prediction by B V Raman PDF: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Experts

If you are interested in learning the secrets of Hindu astrology, you may have heard of the Ashtakavarga system of prediction. This is a unique and powerful method of making predictions based on the strength and weakness of the planets in different signs and houses. The Ashtakavarga system of prediction was developed by the ancient sages of India and is considered to be one of the most accurate and reliable techniques of astrology.

However, learning and applying the Ashtakavarga system of prediction is not easy. It requires a lot of calculations, analysis, and interpretation. Moreover, there are not many books or resources available on this topic. One of the best and most authoritative books on the Ashtakavarga system of prediction is written by B V Raman, a renowned astrologer and scholar of India.

B V Raman’s book, titled Ashtakavarga System of Prediction, is a classic work that explains the principles and applications of the Ashtakavarga system of prediction in a clear and concise manner. The book covers all the aspects of the Ashtakavarga system, such as how to construct the Ashtakavarga charts, how to interpret them, how to time events, how to determine longevity, and how to use transits or Gochara.

In this article, we will give you an overview of the Ashtakavarga system of prediction by B V Raman PDF. We will also tell you how to download it for free and how to use it effectively. Whether you are a beginner or an expert in astrology, you will find this article useful and informative.

What is the Ashtakavarga System of Prediction?

The Ashtakavarga system of prediction is a branch of Hindu astrology that uses a set of eight charts or tables to assess the strength and weakness of the planets in different signs and houses. The eight charts are called Ashtakavargas, which means eight divisions. Each chart represents the contribution of one planet to the overall strength or weakness of each sign or house.

The eight planets that are considered in the Ashtakavarga system are: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Lagna (ascendant). Each planet has its own Ashtakavarga chart, which shows how many points (bindus) it gives to each sign or house. The more points a planet gives to a sign or house, the stronger it is in that sign or house. The less points a planet gives to a sign or house, the weaker it is in that sign or house.

The points given by each planet to each sign or house are calculated based on certain rules and formulas. These rules and formulas are based on the position of each planet in relation to other planets in the birth chart. For example, if a planet is in its own sign or exaltation sign, it gives more points to that sign or house. If a planet is in its debilitation sign or enemy sign, it gives less points to that sign or house.

The total number of points given by all the eight planets to each sign or house is called Sarvashtakavarga. This is the ninth chart in the Ashtakavarga system, which shows the overall strength or weakness of each sign or house. The maximum number of points that can be given by all the eight planets to each sign or house is 56. The minimum number of points that can be given by all the eight planets to each sign or house is 28.

The Ashtakavarga system of prediction uses these charts and points to make various predictions about various aspects of life. By analyzing the strength and weakness of each planet in each sign or house, one can know the potential and challenges of each planet in different areas of life. By comparing the points given by each planet to different signs or houses at different times, one can know the favorable and unfavorable periods for different activities and events.

How to Download Ashtakavarga System of Prediction by B V Raman PDF for Free?

If you want to learn more about the Ashtakavarga system of prediction from B V Raman’s book, you may want to download it as a PDF file for free. This way, you can read it on your computer or mobile device at your convenience. You can also print it out if you prefer reading from paper.

However, finding a free PDF version of B V Raman’s book online may not be easy. There are many websites that claim to offer free PDF downloads of various books, but not all

How to Use Ashtakavarga System of Prediction by B V Raman PDF Effectively?

Now that you have downloaded the Ashtakavarga system of prediction by B V Raman PDF for free, you may wonder how to use it effectively. How can you apply the Ashtakavarga system of prediction to your own birth chart or to the charts of others? How can you make accurate and reliable predictions using the Ashtakavarga system of prediction?

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you use the Ashtakavarga system of prediction by B V Raman PDF effectively:

  • Read the book carefully and thoroughly. The book contains a lot of information and examples that can help you understand the Ashtakavarga system of prediction better. Pay attention to the rules and formulas given by B V Raman for constructing and interpreting the Ashtakavarga charts. Try to memorize them or note them down for future reference.
  • Practice with sample charts. The book provides many sample charts that illustrate the application of the Ashtakavarga system of prediction to various aspects of life. Try to analyze these charts using the Ashtakavarga system of prediction and compare your results with those given by B V Raman. This will help you test your knowledge and skills and improve your accuracy and confidence.
  • Use a software or a calculator. The Ashtakavarga system of prediction involves a lot of calculations that can be tedious and time-consuming. To save your time and energy, you can use a software or a calculator that can generate the Ashtakavarga charts and points for you. There are many online tools and apps that can do this for you, such as or However, you should still know how to construct and interpret the Ashtakavarga charts manually, as these tools may not be always available or reliable.
  • Consult other sources. The Ashtakavarga system of prediction by B V Raman PDF is a great resource for learning and applying the Ashtakavarga system of prediction, but it is not the only one. There are other books and articles that can give you more insights and perspectives on the Ashtakavarga system of prediction, such as Ashtakavarga System of Prediction by BV Raman PDF Download or Hindu Predictive Astrology Of B V Raman. You can also consult other astrologers who are experienced in using the Ashtakavarga system of prediction and learn from their advice and feedback.

By using these tips and tricks, you can use the Ashtakavarga system of prediction by B V Raman PDF effectively and make accurate and reliable predictions using this amazing technique of Hindu astrology.

How to Construct the Ashtakavarga Charts?

One of the most important steps in using the Ashtakavarga system of prediction is to construct the Ashtakavarga charts. These are the eight charts or tables that show the points or bindus given by each planet to each sign or house. To construct the Ashtakavarga charts, you need to have the birth chart or the Rasi chart of a person.

The birth chart or the Rasi chart is the basic chart that shows the position of the planets in different signs and houses at the time of birth. You can use any software or app that can generate the birth chart for you, such as or However, you should make sure that the software or app uses the correct Ayanamsa and Lahiri Chitrapaksha for calculating the planetary positions.

Once you have the birth chart or the Rasi chart, you can start constructing the Ashtakavarga charts. The process of constructing the Ashtakavarga charts is explained in detail by B V Raman in his book, Ashtakavarga System of Prediction. You can also refer to other sources that explain the same process, such as Ashtakavarga B V Raman PDF or Hindu Predictive Astrology Of B V Raman.

The basic steps for constructing the Ashtakavarga charts are as follows:

  1. For each planet, find out its position in degrees and minutes in its sign and house.
  2. For each planet, find out its position in degrees and minutes in relation to other planets in their signs and houses.
  3. For each planet, apply the rules and formulas given by B V Raman for calculating the points or bindus it gives to each sign or house.
  4. For each planet, draw a table with 12 columns and 12 rows. The columns represent the 12 signs and the rows represent the 12 houses. Fill in the table with the points or bindus given by that planet to each sign or house.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for all the eight planets: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, and Lagna (ascendant).
  6. Add up all the points or bindus given by all the eight planets to each sign or house. This will give you the Sarvashtakavarga chart, which shows the overall strength or weakness of each sign or house.

These are the basic steps for constructing the Ashtakavarga charts. However, there are some variations and exceptions that need to be considered while applying these steps. For example, some astrologers do not include Rahu and Ketu in the Ashtakavarga system, while some do. Some astrologers use Bhava Chalit chart instead of Rasi chart for constructing the Ashtakavarga charts, while some do not. Some astrologers use different rules and formulas for calculating the points or bindus given by different planets, while some do not.

Therefore, you should follow a consistent and authentic source for constructing the Ashtakavarga charts. You should also check your calculations carefully and verify them with other sources if possible.


The Ashtakavarga system of prediction is a fascinating and powerful technique of Hindu astrology that can help you to make accurate and reliable predictions based on the strength and weakness of the planets in different signs and houses. In this article, we have given you an overview of the Ashtakavarga system of prediction by B V Raman PDF. We have also told you how to download it for free and how to use it effectively. We have also discussed the benefits and limitations of the Ashtakavarga system of prediction.

We hope that this article has helped you to understand and appreciate the Ashtakavarga system of prediction better. If you want to learn more about this technique, you can read B V Raman’s book, Ashtakavarga System of Prediction, or other sources that explain the same topic. You can also practice with your own birth chart or the charts of others and see how the Ashtakavarga system of prediction works for you.

Thank you for reading this article. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy predicting![Torrent]
